Monday, 25 March 2024, VCQ Colloquium Talk by Dries Sels

We are glad to present: Dries Sels (Flatiron / NYU) on Monday, March 25 2024.

Bethe-Peierls approximation in the era of quantum computers

Tensor networks have been foundational tools in our understanding of many-body physics of
one-dimensional systems. In this talk I will discuss efforts to move away from onedimensional
tensor networks towards networks of arbitrary structures. I will discuss how well
established tools from statistical mechanics have propelled recent algorithmic advances and
how these tools have been employed to efficiently simulate recent large scale quantum

Monday, 25 March 2024
at Helmut Rauch Lecture Hall
Atominstitut Wien, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna

17:00 Get-together with coffee and snacks!
17:30 VCQ Student talk
17:45 VCQ Colloquium Talk

Host: Julian Leonard