We are glad to present
Stefanie Barz (University of Stuttgart)
Monday, 10 June 2024
Helmut Rauch Lecture Hall, Atominstitut TU Wien (Stadionallee 2, 1020 Wien)
Photonic quantum technologies: from unravelling quantum foundations to advancing quantum integration and developing applications in quantum networks and computing
I will explore various facets of photonic quantum systems and their application in photonic quantum technologies. Firstly, I will discuss quantum interference, a key element in photonic quantum technologies. I will highlight how the distinguishability and mixedness of quantum states influence the interference of multiple single photons – and demonstrate novel schemes for generating multipartite entangled quantum states. I will then address photonic quantum computing, specifically focusing on the building blocks of photonic quantum computers. This includes the generation of resource states essential for photonic quantum computing. I will then shift to photonic quantum networks, covering both their hardware aspects and showcasing quantum-network applications that extend beyond bi-partite quantum communication. Lastly, I will outline how photonic integration facilitates the scalability of these systems and discuss the associated challenges.
Host: Borivoje Dakić
(Universität Wien)
For further information and a Zoom link please visit: https://vcq-quantum.at/colloquium-ss-2024/
17:00 Get together
17:30 VCQ Student talk by Andrea Caprotti
17:45 VCQ Colloquium Talk